SUGARx Global


SUGARx Global



Our Mission  

Making Sugar Addiction Recovery Your Reality One Bite at a Time!


Action Steps

Recovery Protection


Not Sure Where To Start..?
Breakthrough Your Cravings Even Faster... Get out of the confusion, so you can have the clarity you need and get the results you deeply desire..!

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with one of your SRx Recovery Specialist Today

Our Mission  

Making Sugar Addiction Recovery Your Reality One Bite at a Time!


Action Steps

Recovery Protection


Not Sure Where To Begin..?
Set Up A Free 15-Minute Chat with one of your SRx Recovery Specialist Today


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The Tools You Need To Stay Out Of The Food Without Willpower!

CLICK HERE To Download Your $7 Craving Crusher Skills Toolkit Right Now!
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Get Out Of The Food System 

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Meet The Team

  • Dave Wolfe


  • Anna Fruehling


  • Judy Wolfe


Here's What Others Are Saying About Their Experience

Bitten Jonsson 

Karen H.


Jose C

What Others Are Saying About Their Experience

Bitten Jonsson 

Karen H.

  • Simplero Product Cards Circle Membership $1,997.00

    From the outset of joining, I have found the learning material to be insightful, well-organized, and highly relevant. They they provide you with the latest research and evidence-based practices in the field of sugar addiction and recovery, making it an invaluable resource for me to gain a comprehensive understanding of the disease.

    The coaches expertise and passion for helping others break free from sugar addiction has been evident throughout the time I have been here. The interactive format fosters a sense of camaraderie among participants, enriching the learning experience.

    SUGARx has not only improved my understanding of addiction but also provided practical strategies for overcoming cravings and maintaining a healthier lifestyle. Since applying the lessons, I've noticed significant improvements in my well-being, energy, and mental clarity.


  • SUGARx Global

    Before SUGARx Global - isolated, depressed, hopeless, eating constantly, spiritually dead, feeling like a failure, self hate, shame.

    Upon hearing of The 5 Day Challenge - hmmm makes sense but I don’t want to waste anymore money on yet another program, why would this work for me when I failed at everything else?

    Joining SUGARx Global - Boom! Game changer, life changer. I have a life now! Grateful for community, kindred spirits, acceptance, expert coaches who get me, tools to use that keep me out of the food. Can this really be me? Energetic, enthusiastic, willing to work hard each day for what I want, lightness of spirit, laughter, food in its proper place and so much gratitude.


  • SUGARx Global

    For most of my life I’ve studied Nutrition. I’m one of those very well informed people who has failed to act on what I know. I was in deep denial about how severe my addiction to carbs really is. I knew that I had give. Up on myself so many times that I had very little faith that I could ever stick to a recovery plan. The SugaRx community just wouldn’t let me fail again. They gave me some hard facts AND a lot of love and support as well. I am actually succeeding this time. I am abstinent of sugar and flour AND one day at a time, my brain is actually recovering ❤️‍🩹 You can too!

    Costa Rica

  • SUGARx Global

    I almost didn't join because I was not sure that I wanted to call myself an addict. I had no problem admitting that I have a real issue with food. I truly joined because I wanted to know if I was really "addicted", so (if so) I could deal with that head on. But, calling myself an addict - seemed a little intense/harsh and embarrassing. But, the bottom line is: I am addicted. I am 1000% sure of that now which in itself is so liberating. I know in my heart and head now (without debate) that I am addicted to sugar/processed food. Whether I choose to call myself "an addict" or not is just semantics. I am able to use that knowledge (that I am truly addicted), and the SugarX programs and community, to put me on the path to freedom. In just a few weeks, I feel SO MUCH BETTER physically. And, I'm much happier - more inspired - more energetic - more enthusiastic - more hopeful. I feel like I'm actually living my life now - instead of spending all my time trying to find the perfect book / podcast / counselor / answer, that would miraculously save me and allow me to "eat like a normal person". The miraculous answer is - I'm addicted - now, I can deal with reality!


  • SUGARx Global

    I tried many different things many different times and nothing had worked. SugarX is all the good bits and pieces of all those things along with lots of education, a wonderful community and great coaches all rolled into one! When I found SugarX I realized I was home. These are my people and this is my safe place to recover.
